Forecasting and Market Analysis
Axford Turbine Consultants, LLC, helps customers understand the supply and demand fundamentals that shape the market. To forecast future demand, Axford begins by analyzing past trends from a historical database for gas turbines and steam turbines that goes back to 1980. Orders and shipment history can be understood for every major make and model of gas and steam turbine as well related questions such as 1) trends in unit size and simple vs combined cycle plant design; 2) geographic distribution of orders; and 3) competitive market shares.
In addition, Axford Turbine Consultants, LLC, provides general business consulting to industrial companies to evaluate self-generation, cogeneration or other energy conservation opportunities at a manufacturing facility. Large engineering companies often approach an energy audit with a SWAT team that generates a huge report with too much detail at too much cost. Axford’s approach is to quickly point out the low hanging fruit, work up a simple payback analysis, and coach the client on implementation. An equipment solution does not fit into every situation. Sometimes, the solution involves understanding how the supply markets for fuel and electricity work together. Axford helps clients prepare for negotiations with fuel and electricity providers and to stimulate competition.